Monday, 24 February 2020

Strategies to fight anxiety and depression

I want to use this platform along with my blog site below to talk about Mental Health.

I write a blog called Everyone Can Build a Castle which is all about Life Coaching, creating positive habits, being productive, goal setting and aiming for success.

I suffer with anxiety and depression, they can go hand in hand, and hard to fight but you can fight these feelings by following these Strategies to fight anxiety and depression.

1. Find a confident someone who you can talk to, because staying silent is never going to help
2. Have a diary to hand and have a vision of where you want your life to go
3. Create a different picture. Ask yourself what makes you happy?
4. Get yourself out, being stuck within 4 walls is never going to help, but being in a different environment will
5. Get your life together and set targets for yourself so you have something to aim for each day and help you feeling unstuck

That is often how we feel when we are suffering with these feelings is stuck and falling. We need to lift ourselves out.

So let me know in the comments below if you have used these strategies and how they helped you

Remember to be kept up to date of my posts and would like to read more to follow me on Blogspot

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X