Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Ignore the doubters

This is a subject that I have written about before in a blog I did about people who judge before you've even shown them what you can do.

Now I want to write about the doubters, those who doubt your ability, when you tell them that you are taking a new project, or creating a new business; God forbid don't tell them that there is a set up fee, because you might aswell give them a hammer to hit you over the head with, and completey destroy the  enthusiasm you have.

I am now beginning my own adventure and before I told my doubter, I was full of enthusiasm, but what I trust is my inner self, I know if it is a bad idea or not, and as some have little faith in what I do due to passed mistakes I do my research before I do anything.

Life is about making mistakes and it has taught me a lot, but also watching and being inspired by other people has also taught that you have to take that risk sometimes.

If you don't take that opportunity when will you?

So even though the doubter may be doing it to protect you it can also be sole destroying, if someone tells me of an idea they have I support and I say "Great, just do your research and let me know if you have any % help" that gives the person who tells you and a boost, because your not doubting or destroying their high feelings your saying you think this is great, but also giving your protective advise going on your own mistakes to help them not make the same mistakes as yourself and giving your support, which is the greatest thing you can give to someone who has an adventure they what to pursue. Doubters just give me more fighting power to succeed and I can say "Look I know it was a risk but look it has paid off".

But so what if you haven't or takes a while?

I say learn from this and keep trying.

I loving the fact that what I do now I am in charge of and that it is up to me to go out there and connect with people to show that I am in it for me and to connect with them and to make those doubters I have to change their mind.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

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