Friday, 29 March 2013

The Words of Wisdom

Do you ever get knocked down by your friends or family when it comes to your own ideas, who advise not to do something, not really criticising but like warn you of the reasons why you shouldn't?
Then this knocks your confidence and the adrenaline boost you were having as you were building the ideas of what you wanted to do in your head?

I am running my own business at the moment and constantly I have people advising oh you shouldn't do that or this, and questions what you are doing because it is something that they wouldn't do. I appreciate that there are people whom wouldn't do it and are warning to protect me but I think you have to learn by your own mistakes, you have to fly by yourself sometimes and take those risks. You will never know what is out there or see things for yourself if you don't look on the other side of the journey you want to take. 

I am very set and focussed on what I want to achieve and sometimes you have to be little generous towards people at a certain extent so they can trust and know that I am not running my business just for the money but it is because this will help me with my next business I am building which will be non profit but will be connecting and helping to build other people through my own skills I have taught and built myself. 

If you don't take the risks you will never know what is out there. I know I need to be more strict with myself when it comes to my customers paying me for example but I also want to build trust and  loyalty and see that I am not in it to just make money but I really feel this will my beginning to start a new journey and find out what I am really capable of doing. Also the people who are warning are probably doing it because they see fears from creating a business that is why they would never do it, but I know this is something I have been dreaming and is my blueprint in life to be my own person and boss. 

So next time someone warns you, do a pro and cons list, and write why you do not feel you should do it, if it is something you are adamant about doing and would like to find out if it will work I say go for it, but of course do your research speak to experts and others for market research to get different opinions or they may also like to give help by passing their own ideas to help. 

But remember you have the utter control to make the decision yourself.
Will it fulfil you in the short and long term if you take the risk, and run your own business for example?
If you don't will you be regretting it for the rest of your life, and beat yourself up because you never found out?

People have dreams and ambitions for a reason and if it something you constantly think about then the only way you are going to really find out if it is for you is by doing it, and taking the risk whether it is playing guitar or planning a new career. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X

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