Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Changing your image getting bored with the way you look

I looked at my self earlier and thought "You know what you look good", but then as soon as I felt that, the critic within my brain began to speak, "Your hair is mess and straggly, I look tired and I am wearing leggins with a couple of holes and wearing a pair of trainers that are dirty. 

The critic in your head will voice his opinion, but that is just it, it is a habit that I got into and used to being self critical about the way I look, but have learned to be resilient and think right what will help it?

So first of all, I have legs that can walk, a voice that can speak, hair that keeps growing and can change, so will be booking a new hair cut, and I have legs and arms, etc. So what have I got to complain about. Speak with the inner critic and say, "Thanks critic but I look fine, and yes a bit of TLC is needed, but still grateful of what I have, rather than what I don't". 

Yes I have put on a bit of weight due to Christmas, so just means cutting down and listen to my body and what it needs. Good nutrition is important so going to manage my diet, and going to have more wholesome food, that will properly fill me up, and I know this will help me, and that is it, take Action and have fun by trying different looks, making and experiment with food and find the style that suits you, and answers the inner critic, and check out vintage fashion, aswell as high street and online, and create a capsule wardrobe that will excite you and help build your confidence and look in the mirror and go over what you are happy about and what areas of you think need a bit of TLC and will help make you fill better. 

So for me I have looked on Pinterest of hair cuts I like as I am looking for a change, but I do like having long hair and would like to different style so will work on that, and going to dye my hair again, and bought some new eye pencils a couple of days ago, and going to do a minimal make up every day look, along with no make up days, and take supplements again to improve energy levels and for my hair and skin, to make me look a bit more alive, and not going stress and have fun doing different looks that helps me feel good about myself and not listen to the critic and stop getting bored and still practice gratitude of what I already have, and not be drained by thinking I am a mess.

I hope that this blog helps you too and share tips on how to ignore the critic and not get bored with yourself. You can leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

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