Saturday, 23 February 2013

Learning from other sources

One way of building your self confidence is by reading and learning from others whom have also gone through issues with lacking self confidence and I was sent a lovely article about Being Happy from a gentlemen named Graham Dragon (please see link below).

I am so glad I have been sent this and I will be printing this off and putting those rules up to remember, as this is all in the art of reprogramming your mind to think good about yourself and have good changes happen in your life.

I still have bad days, but reminding yourself of the great things around you and not taking life so seriously can help to make the most of the good things to forget about the bad.

I will be adding some more sources of information that has helped me and I am currently that may help you too.

Many thanks for your time.

Carrie X

Beauty and the Beast

A story of a young girl who falls in love with someone who everyone thinks is wrong because of the way he looks not because he loves and cares for her.

When you lack self confidence you have this illusion with yourself, and from other people who can pick on your insecurities to help make them feel better; but at the time you don’t see it that way, and then you start to believe it, and not wanting to look in the mirror, or spend hours looking at yourself picking and looking at the bits about you, that you do not like and then eventually you can dislike everything you see about yourself.

However I have come to learn through people that I have met over my life so far, that everyone has insecurities, even those who appear to be confident;
These people who appear to be super confident are those who show off the good parts to over shadow the parts they may not like about themselves, and lot of the time if you have great personality that shines through a lot and that can make you attractive, and everyone are different in looks and size, it doesn't that a person is any better than you. The one thing that I used to, which I do try my hardest no to, but comparing myself with other people who appear to be a lot more prettier than me. 

From my first blog (which I have linked below) on self confidence, I wrote about reprogramming and writing down the things you don’t like about yourself.

Now it time to look at the head on and decide what you would like to do about it, now you may be thinking cosmetic surgery is the only way, but let me tell you it isn't.

Ask yourself why don’t you like this part of yourself?

Then write down the good parts or the good things in your life?

What would you like to do in terms of career, hobby or at home?

Then sit down in a quiet place and you can close your eyes if this helps, and imagine you are doing what you enjoy and start to think how you are feeling and looking in this picture movie in your mind, and are you smiling and how do you imagine people to be towards you?

Once you have that image write it down what it was, how you felt and how were you in this picture or imagery in your mind?

Go through your wardrobe and take all items the out and start putting outfits together, and if there are items that don’t go with anything, then they are not needed, and start thinking about changing and adding one item a week or a month that will help to start making that change where you can at last feel happy about yourself even if it is for 5 minutes, it will make a difference.

Remember when you see shows where someone gets a makeover it is not just on the TV. Give yourself a makeover even if it is painting your nails, a hair wash and a steaming hot nice scented bath.

Have fun, and have a girls night in and ask your friends or someone you know who puts on make-up ask them what they use and ask if they will give you a makeover, some of friends will be really happy and flattered that you have asked them.

How do you want people to see you?

If you did want be more toned, loose a little bit of weight then it’s time to start.

Look at what you currently eat, keep a food diary; this is really good method that did help me; at first I did feel a silly but as I kept doing this it really made me see what was not good for me and what was.

My craving food was crisps and I would eat 2-3 packs a day. Now I cut these out I have not looked back, sometimes I will have the odd packet once or twice a year, but now I do look at the labels to see what won't harm me as much, but actually after you have stopped eating crisps once you cut down I found that they wasn't all that nice. They are so full oft bad fat, salt and sugars. 

Definition of diet: the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group.

It is all about Nutrition, what and how much you consume and so cutting back on one thing making gradual steps to help to break down the changes will allow your body to get used to the change. 

So when changing your food habits, it’s not no longer consuming food, or eating lesser calories as such, it is about giving the nutrients and minerals your body needs to function for everyday living.

If you do need help with changing your wardrobe or with getting fitter on nutrition then please do ask me and I will be happy to help. I am no psychologist or professor of dieting, I am normal person who has been in your situation, not feeling good about myself and have let my lack of self confidence take control.

However there are professional who can help you too, such as your local GP, they may be able to recommend a dietician to help. 

Remember it is all about taking control of your self confidence to help you not stress, and conquer anxiety by building your self confidence on the techniques and advice from others who have been in that situation like myself. 

I know everyone is different and you will find your own path of improving your self confidence, the information in my blogs are more of a kick start so you can get to the path that you can find your own way and then once you take control then you will know how to handle your confidence when it falls to help boost your confidence for the better. 

Many thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I hope it will help you.

X Carrie

Monday, 18 February 2013

Being Confident/What it means to me

What is being confident?
For me it is about having a low or good level of feeling it is good to be me or not. I have learned a lot of "It isn't as it seems". What I mean by that people who seem confident, aren't. 
Everyone can lack confidence but not show it. I found my confidence when it came to dancing and playing sports. Writing is my bestfriend and it was forgotten about for a long time, and now is what I love to do each day. I have lived a lot in an imaginary world, believing that I would be famous one day. That was my goal as a kid. Now I like privacy but sharing parts of myself that can help others. Hence why I created this blog. 

It took a while to get started, with that my Mentalhealth that effected my confidence took over. I dreamed another life, because I felt unfulfilled with the life I have had, and created different story of a life that wished I had lived. My confidence was from feeling like the odd one out, but looking at my life now that I am in my 40's I feel more awake of the life I have lived so far. 

Confidents is something you build as you grow, and can be knocked as you build it up. 
I feel my anxiety effects my confidence and I doubt myself all of the time and question myself. Not just now and then, but all of the time. 
I hate feeling this way. I want to have a good life and one that is fulfilled. I want a good level of happiness and be able to deal bad times, and take responsibility of what I do to help build myself, that will continue to boost my confidence and help others do the same. Yet my life has been good. My parents would encourage me and my brother to have hobbies. My brother did judo and played football. I did dancing and joined in drama groups and clubs. 

Later in life I did running. Took part in many running and walking charity events, and I got into going to Rugby League, by a friend of mine and had such fun. So it is all about how you see your love and how you see yourself and not go over all the bad that happened, and focus on the good, and continue to build and build until I can say, "You've done all right" and do what makes me feel good and will continue to build my confidence and changing how I see my life and making a difference to others too. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X