Wednesday, 24 March 2021

5 Ways to Live life to the full/New EBook on Building Self Confidence

So I never actually completed the writing of this blog post, so as I have a bit of free time to do so, I thought I would write it now.

Lets start by saying that I think we are already to let go of Lockdown and COVID, and have more social gatherings again, as I am missing the interaction of people, and I joked today doing my new Get Ready with me video for today, that I am so in need of a good Pub Lunch.

Its amazing how you can miss such things but I really am. Anyways, 5 Ways To Live life to the full, yes and with this Pandemic that struck us all, is a more of an opportunity to turn your life around and not allowing Lockdown stress you out. Use it as an opportunity to do things you would have never done if Lockdown had not hit us. 

Now I am not saying I am happy about not being able to go into my favourite non essential stores, but never allow it to restrict you, in living the life you have always wanted.

1. So I wrote a new EBook about Building Self Confidence talking about, How to learn about yourself and accepting yourself, and that is the first step, because if you are forever putting yourself down then you are never going to move on from that. You end up, and I sharing this on experience, going around in circles and never feeling like you are going anyway

A good way of doing this is to have a sort through your wardrobe, and go through passed photos of when you did feel good about yourself and display them and write down why you were so happy then, compared to now.

2. Be spontenious. So I remember when I was working up in London, and it was one of my friends birthdays, but it was on a Tuesday in the week, and so we met up for a few drinks, but because it was such a wonderful evening, no trouble or anything, and everyone was buzzing, we then went onto a nightclub and stayed out until three in the morning. Now I did something that was naughty I called in sick the next morning, so don't do that, but what made it a good evening, was that it wasn't planned at all, and it was one of the best nights I've ever had. 

3. Do something you though. So like, apply to be a contestant on a Quiz show, or do a Marathon. They can be life changing, and if you do it to rt you never do  raise money for charity, then it is more of an incentive to challenge yourself.

4. Look like a star. So if there is someone you admire, in terms of looks and how they carry themselves, then why not dress like a star yourself. I don't mean start putting lines of make up on your face like Adam Ant, which to be fair, was in, in the 80s but have fun with fashion and make up. There are make up tutorials on Instagram and Youtube. I am yet to discover Tik Tok, but it is on the agenda, so I will at some point, but just have fun with trying different styles of make up and clothes, so it gives a day a purpose.

5. Be with nature and the outside world. So, even in Lockdown it has still be worth, sitting in my local park to watch the world go by and why not take your work outdoors in the garden, so you have time with the outside world, instead of locking yourself away.

So honestly make the most of each day and do something different so you are living it, loving it and breathing it.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X

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