This blog is about Building Self Confidence which I share along with my WordPress site Everyone Can Build A Castle
Sunday, 31 May 2020
Losing Sense of time
Hello and welcome to another Building Self Confidence blog.
In today's post I am writing about losing sense of the time, as this can so easily happen, when events in our lives take place, like losing a love one etc
It has been a testing time, many of us practicing self isolation and social distancing.
We can often feel that we have no control but we do. I used the time during the lockdown to write a blog/s everyday and work on some new books I wanted to publish, created a new work system to manage my work load, I created my first online course, (check out my blogpost on my related site everyonecanbuildacastle), and so I have really embraced the time I have had to make the most of self isolation.
Now it is time to gain some normality and gain more sense of time again. I will have that time from when Henry starts school to when he finishes to get bits done, I will hopefully be able to go back up to London again, take charge of my fitness as I have lost some of that since the lockdown and I am going to begin running again.
So it is time for me to embrace the school run once more and embrace that free time. My son I think is ready for school again and he will be able to mix with other kids again, which he has missed.
We have made some last minute preparations.
Have a good week everyone and stay safe as much as possible.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Respecting people with Mental Health Issues

I have just come back from having my evening meal and I wanted to reach out to all those like myself who have suffered or going through mental health issues.
There was a teacher at my school who's partner had killed themselves and the people around me were talking about his funeral, saying how the music was terrible. Why would anyone play that?
Let me tell you when someone is clinically depressed,
Tip 1# Don't judge when you don't know
I have been clinically depressed and hence why I am on anti-depressants now and it can be the loneliest place in the world, and you imagine your funeral, and I would have had my family respect my wishes.
Today after those close to me knowing what I have been through this year first of all didn't believe me when I felt someone was after me, and made it about them.
Tip 2# It isn't about you it is about the person who is depressed
You need to put your own feelings aside and listen. That is half the trouble I felt like noone was listening to me.
All you want is someone to listen and not judge, just be quiet whilst I poor my heart out.
Tip 3# Never say you understand when you clearly don't
People who are depressed, anxious or have psychosis are in a very bad bubble and feel there is no way out.
Only those who have suffered with this problems can understand what is like and are more likely to say "I have been there you can get out of it".
Tip 4# Respect people with Mental Health issues, by giving them space not thinking they are attention seeking but are crying out for help for a reason.
I sat not so long ago on a bench in Hammersmith near Hammersmith bridge and cried my heart out and kept thinking about jumping off.
I haven't told anyone, but there were people who knew but were helpless and was going through trauma themselves.
I felt like my world had come to an end.
Tip 5# Be compassionate with someone who is clinically depressed or have other mental health problems
I don't mean treading on egg shells just offer them your shoulder to cry on if they need it.
I know there are times where as family member you can't always help those with clinical depression, but just being there can make all the difference.
Respect peoples wishes and don't judge those like you wouldn't like to judged yourself.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Ten Tips on how to create Happiness
Hello and welcome to another blogpost on this site.
Here are 10 tips on how to create happiness:
1. Make the most of every day. If you had one day to live what would you do? To me is spending
it with people that I love, going to a concert or a soccer match and letting my
hair down.
2. Find you niche.
So what creates good energy and makes you want to get up in the morning.
3. Find your smile.
When we smile it automatically releases endorphins and can be contagious.
4. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. I have struggled with the way I
look, but now I will have a good old look at myself and see that, “I’m not so
bad after all”.
5. Being content.
For me that is writing or sitting in the garden reading or listening to a book.
6. Practice gratitude. I schedule time to journal in my gratitude book and really helps get
rid of the cobwebs and feel good about life
7. Give a compliment. If you see someone wearing a nice dress or pair of shoes for example
let them know, as this will make them happy and in turn make you happy too.
8. Create a happiness journal. I have one and love to get it out and write about an event
I went to which was a success or even on a day out somewhere. This is a great
thing to create as you can make it into a photo journal.
9. Create a happiness board. This similar to above and creating a vision, but this will
be a board with photos, a picture of your favourite dress, a flower from your
garden, anything that makes you happy
10. Have
a worry pot. So it’s like having a mindfulness pot, with happy messages,
well you can do one for your worries and then at the end of the week go through
them and ask yourself, was it worth the worry? Did everything turn out okay?
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Having Self Belief
Hello and welcome to another blog post.
In this blogpost I am talking about Having Self Belief, which is so important to our happiness and wellbeing.
If you don't have belief in yourself then this will reflect on other people around you.
The one thing I am learned is not to doubt myself as I can be my own worse critic, but I know I have strengths, which are, I am determined, passionate and compassionate.
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but how you deal with them is what will make a difference.
If you dwell on your weaknesses then that is all you will see, so you need to get in touch with your strengths, which will override your weaknesses.
Yes you should still work on your weaknesses, but the worst thing is to allow them to dominate.
It is a bit like if you kept thinking about a red car, and suddenly all you notice are red cars everywhere. It is what you focus on.
Self belief is so important to help you towards conquering your goals and achieving things in your life.
So be determined, find your strengths and stay focused.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
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