I have just come back from having my evening meal and I wanted to reach out to all those like myself who have suffered or going through mental health issues.
There was a teacher at my school who's partner had killed themselves and the people around me were talking about his funeral, saying how the music was terrible. Why would anyone play that?
Let me tell you when someone is clinically depressed,
Tip 1# Don't judge when you don't know
I have been clinically depressed and hence why I am on anti-depressants now and it can be the loneliest place in the world, and you imagine your funeral, and I would have had my family respect my wishes.
Today after those close to me knowing what I have been through this year first of all didn't believe me when I felt someone was after me, and made it about them.
Tip 2# It isn't about you it is about the person who is depressed
You need to put your own feelings aside and listen. That is half the trouble I felt like noone was listening to me.
All you want is someone to listen and not judge, just be quiet whilst I poor my heart out.
Tip 3# Never say you understand when you clearly don't
People who are depressed, anxious or have psychosis are in a very bad bubble and feel there is no way out.
Only those who have suffered with this problems can understand what is like and are more likely to say "I have been there you can get out of it".
Tip 4# Respect people with Mental Health issues, by giving them space not thinking they are attention seeking but are crying out for help for a reason.
I sat not so long ago on a bench in Hammersmith near Hammersmith bridge and cried my heart out and kept thinking about jumping off.
I haven't told anyone, but there were people who knew but were helpless and was going through trauma themselves.
I felt like my world had come to an end.
Tip 5# Be compassionate with someone who is clinically depressed or have other mental health problems
I don't mean treading on egg shells just offer them your shoulder to cry on if they need it.
I know there are times where as family member you can't always help those with clinical depression, but just being there can make all the difference.
Respect peoples wishes and don't judge those like you wouldn't like to judged yourself.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
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