Monday, 11 January 2021

Life Coaching to help you to feel more confident about yourself

Hello and welcome to a new Self Confidence blog. In this blog I am writing about how Life Coaching to help you to feel more confident about yourself. I am going to use this as part of my new Programme I am putting together, Project 2020.

I have written blog post talking about it. see link:

So what is Life Coaching? 

It is basically a tool that helps to guide you forward to thinking better about yourself and having a focus. 

I have found it help keep me calm when I feel underpressure and help me to achieve the things I have always dreamed of in my life. 

This blog I write is all about Building Self Confidence and Life coaching can do wonders when you lack it, and so the first thing I would say, is to, 

  • Find your inner peace. 
That means finding something like music, tv or a podcast, hypnotherapy or meditation, that can help switch off your mind and concentrate on where you are presently and focusing on your breathing and relaxing

  • Read a Self Help book 
I have read many self help books, some that I have found not to be true but others inspiring, like Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule, Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant, or Sugar Mamma Million Dollar Project

  • Get in touch with yourself 
Find a skill like I find walking that helps get in touch with myself, and yes the first tip I gave doing meditation can help too, but I find walking to be my therapy when I feel angry or frustrated, too much going on in my mind, and feel like I just want to scream, and I read an article about a lady who lost her father and it didn't hit her until she began running and did a run like never before, which help let out her sadness of her loss, and she said it was the most power thing ever, because she felt the grief and was the only way she could let it out to then feel at peace and get in touch with those feelings, as she at first couldn't cry and didn't realise how much grief she had

  • Pray 
Now I know not everyone believes in God, but I do and it just as the first tip was, gave me peace and has helped me a lot. I tend to do this alot if a story of someone upsets me, if I feel like I am out of control of a situation or I feel that I just need God's help. I don't go to church but have done and did as a kid go to Sunday School. It has always been part of my life and it does guide me a lot

  • Write 
 I live by my writing and now I am doing this as a living it is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done and it includes writing blogs, articles, music and in my journals. I just find it helps clear my mind and gain perspective. I find when you write your troubles down that it helps to face them, not avoid but make sense of them

  • Be flexible 
What I mean is don't always follow the same routine all the time and mix it up a bit. As reputition can be good but we can get bored with doing the same thing. So be flexible and have days where you can choose whatever you like to do. We should all take time in doing what we want rather than what we have to all of the time

  • Have a purpose 
Before you plan to do something, have a purpose of why you want to do it, as often we can do things for the wrong reason, such as drinking because we are angry, or sending someone a nasty text message because we find that to be the easiest way to venom your anger. Have a purpose in your life, so you do things that make you happy about living not hate it

Life should be something you look forward to not dread and to do these things above can help to be happier and more self aware of the goods things that make you, you and working areas you would like to improve on. 

So live it, breath it and enjoy it!

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X

P.S: Please check out my Pinterest board dedicated to Project 2021:

I also have a Facebook Group dedicated to this programme for 2021 if you would like to join:

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