I have struggled getting back to work as I have lost a lot of my confidence and having anxiety and psychosis has been hard, but using intervention it has been a massive help and I do take medication, and felt like it was not me and couldn't get myself back on track.
Thankfully my mental health is a lot better and I am in a place where I am acceptive of my life and yes it hit a dark spell but I am through that. I just felt my life was not great that I missed out on a lot. Yet I have a roof over my head, a have a son who is the most adorable little man and love watching him grow and I love being his mum. We do have a great bond and he brings out the child in me.
I am not saying I constantly hearing voices but became scared, and felt I was being followed and that my family were in trouble and it just all built and so I went a bit insane.
However I am fine and I am through it. Not being on social media all the time has helped, having a good steady routine. Being able to look after my on again has really been a massive turn as I would have anxiety over the school run, and dreaded the walk and would play what I can describe as movies of the most dreadful thing that could happen. I was in a state and felt out of control.
I was losing my mind. That includes returning to work and was working in childcare, in various nurseries and have anxiety over that too, and felt I couldn't do anything and making lots of mistakes and so it has taken its time but I am slowly bit by bit getting more confident each day and taking my time. I have stopped rushing around but taking gradual steps to being myself again.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
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