Saturday, 21 November 2020

When friends go against you

I have learned this year that those who pretend to be your friends are the ones that don't stand by you when you are down, but feed of you when they are. They like listening to themselves only and go on and on about how they do this, do that and everything else, but not an inch interested in you.

Their smile is fake, and love having drama in their life and blag it about. Okay so I talk about how I have battled with Mental Health, but there is stuff I never want to share, because I would rather keep some stuff to myself. 

I wrote my blogs to help and support others and not afraid to talk about having a bad day, but this year there is stuff that happened to me that I am not going to talk about in my blogs, because one I know there will be people holding it against me and won't believe me and think I am bad mouthing people, which I don't want to do, but talk about issues that others can identify with, but if a friend told me a private story I would keep it that way, and because I am not ready to discuss somethings and believe that everyone has the right to keep somethings between just themselves. 

I have discovered a whole new family, but I am not going to talk about their lives out of respect, but I do know that there are those that make out your their friend only to stab you in the back once you turn away from them. 

I did learn a lot about this year, and there are those that want to see someone commit suicide and don't like to see you do well for yourself, even though when it is them, they can't wait for you to listen.

Friendship for me is a two way street and if they are happy listening to you, then you should be interested in them. If they send you a birthday card, send one back to them. 

I see myself as a friend for life, but I am also now seeing it as some people to be happy, you have to turn your back on people that aren't truly supportive, and aren't really interested in you and have no real respect for you. 

I am not going to name names because I want to keep that to myself but they do know who they are.

So if you feel that someone is pretending to be your friend, but makes sneaky comment or talks about you horribly behind your back then they aren't worthy of friendship and only have their own interests at heart. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 

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