Hello, so it is Saturday night and here I am at my desk writing my 6th blog and so got my last blog to write tomorrow.
The Challenge was to blog for 7 comsecutive days to expand my blog and had lots of ideas and so wanted to do a whole full week to have them written and publised and I hope you have found them helpful and helping just one person is making a different to me.
Yet Saturday's is a night off for me and Sunday's I don't write any live blogs and so I will post my last two, on Monday, and Last one is going to be Tuesday.
So in this blog is all about Managing Your Emotions.
First of all is cryng a sign of weakness?
I was told that once, and it was someone who I had a relationship with, and for me that was insulting to my personality because for me if something happens in my life like losing someone I like to grieve which will help it better but also I do feel strongly about things, and so no crying is not a sign of weakness it can actually show that the person is the exact opposite. They feel it and whatever it is they are crying for, they had really loved that person and helps the next generation that it is okay.
Now can someone fake it that they are upset or angry because they have lashed out at someone?
Yes, because of me as a kid I would use it to not being in trouble as my parents were quite strict and so I would fake cry and my nan would say "Here comes the firing engine", yes nan thank you.
My son gets angry when he is upset because he finds it very hard when he can't have what he wants and will lash out, so keeping calm tell him "It's okay" because he often sees it that we are stopping his enjoyment, like his tablet when it hads to be put on charge, and so I say "Its on charge" and distract him from wanting it and then he calms down, but cries to see if it will change that his tablets on charge, but he needs to understand that it is a device and so won't work if not charged. I often think he gets confused of when we take it away when he is naughty to when we say no because its run out of charge.
My son is fully confident and when he knows he is good at something he keeps going and never gives up and wish I had been as confident as he is, because he very fearless. As a kid I always were looking behind my shoulder and scared of everything.
Lacking confidence can effect your emotions, and make you paranoid that others may feel the same about you. and feel unworthy when gett upset the other person is angry about it. For me when I am low I need compassion, and have someone to listen. It can make us not wanting to look at ourselves and avoid seeing people because of getting judged by others. If I failed at dancing it would really get me down but that was because I enjoyed it and wanted to do my best.
When it comes to anger though is to find yourself a room you can gain some composure and what is making you angry about yourself.
If it is because of the way you look or feel unworthy dig deep into why and when did it first start.
Do you feel you are out of your depth when you are around other people who seem to have it going on?
When I tried doing the second fooball coaching qualification I quit, I felt that I needed to do more coaching before I did my second badge, and felt out of my depth in doing the second one.
I would like to pass my level 2 again, and have more belief in myself to do so but should have kept at level 1 and not jumped in too quickly.
So take your time and map it out. This really helps me and have written about this in my EBooks. Check them out on amazon, under the names Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes.
Take on challenges, but at your own pace and give yourself time to take each step gradually and if there is something you are not sure of, to ask for help. I did this when working for a entertainments company and was unsure about the attractions I would sell tickets for so asked for extra training.
So I hope this blog helps you and my last one for the blog challenge will be posted tomorow.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
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