Hello and welcome! I really hope you had a good Chrismas, it is Boxing Day which is one of my Nans, my Nanny Rose birthday today, and this time 40 years ago we would go around to her flat she shared with my Grandad Jack to celebrate it and have Christmas Dinner there.
It is today or the day after where we can get the Christmas Blues, because all that planning and preparation makes us excited and then, its like a blink of an eye and gone until the following year.
I always got the Christmas Blues and I often suffered with SAD in winter time, which is Seasonal Affective Disorder, but it didn't have a name when I was a kid and just thought I had the hump because it meant going indoors earlier than the summer and going to bed early.
If you do suffer with SAD then you can get a Lumie Lamp which helps you wake up naturally during the winter and can make a difference. I was given one free when I worked for a manufacturer who made these, but I gave it away. I would buy one of these for the Winter time as it they can do wonders as I find this time of year your body clock can be all over the place.
Having Christmas blues is normal and can effect your confidence in the fact you feel you have nothing more to look forward. Being in Lockdown it is difficult to know what to do, but there are plenty of things. You can still see friends but limit it at the moment, and have some of your girl friends and have pamper evening where you watch a chick flick, paint each other nails and have a hair cut or dyed if someone there can cut hair and colour it for you.
Being in Lockdown does not mean we can't still have a life. The Queen god bless her is still going to celebrate with her family and I hope that I get to one day meet her Royal Highness again, as it has been a long time since I used to see her at Bolton Gardens with her sister Margarette as they were very close and always like a twosome. Where the Queen went so did Margarette. Plus the Queen Mother who was so down to earth you sometimes forgot she was the Queen mum.
The other thing you can do is meet someone in the park, as a few are still open or just go for leisurely stroll around your home town as there will still be supermarkets open and just having a short catch up with them can do us wonders. We as people need socialising so you can still do it, even using Zoom or Face time, just being able to interact with people still, is so good for our wellbeing and should not allow Lockdown to stop us.
I hope, like many that the Lockdown shifts soon so we can have some normality again and have a huge amount of people in one place again, as I an dying to see a Football match again. It has been a hard year and can't wait to see the back of it.
I have a new love in my life that has helped me through this year and family that I have seen on the TV but forgot that I had met them years ago, and have seen my go from a complete state to someone who fought tooth and nail some days and still here to tell the tale of my last year's nightmare.
Christmas should not be about you fighting for your life but about enjoying the people celebrating with you and taking in the day. I want my son and daughter, one day to have good memories like I did of Christmas time. That should not be taken away from them, and have them open more presents after Christnas too, so it is not over for them to quickly.
So I hope you all have a good Boxing Day and I will see you in next weeks post where we will be in a new year.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie (L.M) X